Muzeum Ziemi


Colourful World of Minerals

Colourful World of Minerals

The purpose of this exhibition is to explain the cause of forming colours that we see when looking at a particular stone, such as chemical composition, presence of inclusions or internal structure. Presented specimens have been arranged by colours and additionally divided into idiochromatic (deriving a characteristic colour from its capacity to absorb certain light rays), allochromatic (having no colour in itself but bearing coloured impurities) and pseudochromatic colours.

[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”22″ gal_title=”Barwny świat minerałów”]

Large Mammals of the Ice Age

Large Mammals of the Ice Age

The exhibition is dedicated to large mammals that lived in the territory of Poland in the Quaternary, during the Pleistocene, often referred to as the Ice Age. This relatively short – in geological terms – period of around 2.5 million years was characterized by several violent cycles of climate warming and cooling in a global scale that had a direct impact on the expansion of the world of plants and animals. In the Pleistocene sediments many remains of plants and animals have been preserved and among them numerous large mammal bones that allow for reconstruction of these meaningful changes to the natural environment. The exhibition presents mammalian remains discovered in different parts of Poland (also in Warsaw) from glacial and interglacial periods. Remains of cryophilic animals typical for glacial periods presented in the exhibition include: mammoth skeleton (Mammuthus primigenius), woolly rhinoceros (Coelodonta antiquitatis) and steppe bison (Bison priscus). Thermophilic animals, typical for interglacial periods – warmer than modern times – are represented by: the remains of a straight-tusked elephant, one of the world’s largest Elephantidae species (Palaeoloxodon antiquus), the skull of forest rhinoceros (Dicerorhinus kirchbergensis) one of the four preserved in the world! as well as the skull and bones of an aurochs (Bos primigenius), which lasted until the historical times and the last one died out in 1627, about 40 kilometers west of Warsaw.

[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”23″ gal_title=”Wielkie ssaki epoki lodowcowej”]

The World of Plants and Climate Change

The World of Plants and Climate Change

Our small exhibition presents evidences for global climatic changes that Earth has experienced in the last 65 million years. Fossils all around the world indicate that between 58 – 50 million years ago (late Paleocene – early Eocene) the ocean and atmosphere temperature were much higher than today. This climate episode is known as the PETM –Paleocene/Eocene Thermal Maximum. We present fossil plant remains from that period. The visitors can observe such specimens as leaf impressions and fragment of wood from Eocene of Geiseltal (Germany), a fruit of the nipa palm (Nypa burtini) from Eocene found in Schaarbreek (Belgium). Particularly interesting are leaf impressions from Chłabówka (Poland, southern part of Podhale region at the foot of the Tatra Mountains). Even those few presented fossils show clearly that most of the European continent was dominated in Eocene by evergreen, lush subtropical or even paratropical vegetation. The mean annual temperature could have reached up to 20°C! (now it is 8°C in Poland).

Visitors to the Museum can also admire leaf impressions from Paleogene of the Spitsbergen and the Antarctic Peninsula. Fossils from the polar regions emphasise even more clearly the scale of the Paleocene/Eocene global warming and provide evidence that cold and barren high-latitude areas were once covered by temperate forests.

Museum of the Earth Archival Treasury

Museum of the Earth Archival Treasury

The exhibition presents selected collection of objects related to important anniversaries and events (e.g. illustrating Poland’s Antarctic research tradition with regard to the International Polar Year).

History of Geology

History of Geology

The exhibit stand mainly presents documents on the history of geology. It chronicles the origins of Earth sciences in Poland and in the world. The exhibition is complemented by attractive exhibits collected by the History of Earth Sciences and Library Section.

Before Coal was Formed

Before Coal was Formed

The exhibition presents the richness of vegetation from two of the most important carbon geologic periods in the Earth’s history: Carboniferous and Neogene. It presents reconstructions of various plant communities accomplished based upon fossils found in sediments accompanying bituminous (black) coal deposits (Carboniferous) and brown coal (lignite) (Neogene). The fossil plant specimens originate from the Upper and Lower Silesian coal deposits as well as brown coal mines in Turoszów, Konin and Bełchatów and from the site in Dobrzyń nad Wisłą town.

Our exhibition also intends to remind the visitors that coal is not only the basic energy source in Poland, but also that it is an interesting sedimentary rock of plant origin.

Amber – Poland and the World

Amber – Poland and the World

We proudly present the ninth permanent exhibition dedicated to amber in the premises of the Polish Academy of Sciences Museum of the Earth. This time, attention was paid to the distribution of amber and other fossil resins in Poland and in the world. Apart from specimens illustrating the richness of amber varieties and remarkable world of inclusions (animal and plant), we also present research interpretations on the genesis of amber and reconstruction of the amber forest. By means of raw materials from Sambia (Russia), Ukraine and Bitterfeld (Germany) as well as secondary deposits of the Baltic Sea shoreline, it has been identified where amber deposits were made at least 40 million years ago, where it can be found in Poland and why exactly there.

The section dedicated to the use of amber presents variety of its types, amber processing techniques and products related to folk medicine and traditional beliefs. A special component of the exhibition are fossil resins from all over the world (different from Baltic amber), which nowhere else in Poland – apart from the Museum of the Earth – can be admired in such diversity.

Meteorites – Stones from the Sky

Meteorites – Stones from the Sky

Meteorites have always been of particular interest. Traces of fascination with the mysterious “stones from the sky” can be found in the oldest manuscripts. Collection of meteorites presented at our exhibition was gathered by the Museum of the Earth Society before World War II. The newest specimens come from recent years. At the exhibition, Polish meteorites (including the unique collection of Pułtusk and Łowicz meteorites) deserve special attention. In addition to objects from the asteroid belt, we also present very rare meteorites originating from the Moon and Mars. The exhibition of meteorites collections gathered in the Polish Academy of Sciences Museum of the Earth creates an extraordinary opportunity to meet exceptional “guests from the space”.

Stone in Human Life

Stone in Human Life

Stone has accompanied us since the dawn of mankind. Initially, it was a material for creating simple tools. With the development of humanity, its use has changed to such extent that many ultra-modern technologies cannot be refined without mineral resources.

The exhibition presents a rich collection of rocks and minerals accompanying the everyday human life, both today and in the past. An overview of minerals with diverse application was supplemented by information on their properties, legends related to them and commonly used imitations.

Finance and Accounting Section

Finance and Accounting Section

Polish Academy of Sciences Museum of the Earth in Warsaw

Al. Na Skarpie 20/26, 27

00-488 Warsaw


phone/fax: 48 (22) 629 74 97



mgr Teresa Szczęsna:; w. 202 – Section Head

mgr Elżbieta Adamska:; w. 208

Bogumiła Lewandowska:; w. 209

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